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How Your Business Can Use Live Streaming

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Although the term streaming covers all online audiovisual content, we must differentiate between two modalities: on-demand video (video on demand), which is what we have known for almost ten years thanks to YouTube and its huge success and live streaming (live), an up and coming trend that is getting more and more users and viewers each year. 

Live streaming opens an infinite world of possibilities, unimaginable and inaccessible just a few years ago to an entrepreneur or small business. It is the equivalent of an old and expensive private television channel, but with more possibilities and tools to create original and unique content to followers around the world. 

There are many types of events and activities that may be broadcast live on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn by a company, allowing the brand to be more transparent with its audience.

Why your business needs live streaming

According to the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), 90% of online shoppers say that a video helped them make a purchase decision. 85% are willing to consume on websites where there are videos because the audiovisual content makes the product more attractive.

Live streaming also has the potential as a marketing and communication strategy to gain feedback or increase engagement with the community and potential buyers. Entrepreneurs and small businesses can use this type of content in social media to promote live events, new products, promotions and more.

Brands use influencers to interact with their followers as it is the ideal way to create a sense of community and brand loyalty.

If you follow the accounts of famous stars who began their road in social media, like Gary Vaynerchuk (@Garyvee), Kayla Itsines (@Kayla_itsines), or Caio Castro (@Caiocastro), you would see how frequently they use live streaming to promote sponsors, announce new activities, or just to open up to fans. 

What you need to use for success with live streaming

To get the most benefit out of live streaming, you can’t stay on the surface. 

First, you must know how to use the social media platforms that allow you to share videos, like Instagram, Facebook, or the new streaming option on LinkedIn. These platforms serve as a hook to stimulate interest in users that may have an interest in your particular product or service. 

But you should not just settle there. The goal should be to attract them to the official website of your brand, where you can close the sale. In order to do this, you need to have a content plan before the first live transmission. 

Live streaming does not require a lot of equipment or a millionaire investment. Many of the largest social media platforms already incorporate these functionalities in such a way that your company only needs an account, a solid strategy, and a transmitting device – like a cell phone or a computer – to start broadcasting.

The social media companies that already have this option available for their users are:

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Periscope (belongs to Twitter)
  • Facebook Live (for people and pages)
  • Blab (allows up to 4 people in the same transmission)
  • Snapchat
  • Youtube Connect (from Google in next release)
  • Meerkat
  • Live stream
How Your Business Can Use Live Streaming
LinkedIn is starting to promote its new live streaming service Courtesy of Google Images

Even though you can do live streaming from a cell phone, if you want to do something more professional, you have to have a technician specialized in digital audiovisual production and a marketing agency that creates content that has a real and positive impact on viewers. The more professional the broadcast, the more likely it is that communication will be effective.

The key is to find out what interests your audience and have a content plan – know what you want to do and how you are going to do it. The rest of the necessary resources can be rented or outsourced.

Effective ways to use live streaming

The possibilities of live streaming are unlimited but here are some ideas for you to implement in your business:

Promotions, offers, and special discounts

Just activate the transmission and launch your limited offer to your followers with a special coupon code.

The opening of a new company or brand

Just broadcast live to everyone to make the invitation.

For training purposes 

Nothing better than launching a guide on how to improve the use of your products, or to train your client about topics related to your business.

To share with all your followers the great experiences of your customers with your products. 

You can make a broadcast right at the moment when your customers are in your business or enjoying your service and produce excellent testimonials. 

If you are wondering if big companies use live streaming to gain new customers, let us tell you that the answer is an absolute yes. Brands like Spotify and Mountain Dew use Periscope and Instagram to create live videos with the help of artists and influencers. 

Red Bull constantly uses live transmission to promote events sponsored by the company, like the Miami Music Week or the Formula 1 championship. DKNY, the fashion company, uses live video to give sneak peeks of their future collections to followers around the world. 

There is a lot of opportunity with live streaming for your company. If you are an entrepreneur, influencer, or the CEO of a small business, it is time to start using this resource of digital marketing to get new costumers, more sales, and a better position in social media and the internet. 

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Written By Erik J. Olson
Founder & CEO
Erik J. Olson is the Founder & CEO of Array Digital—a marketing agency that enables its clients to achieve their dreams, fulfill their missions, and impact more lives with their services.

Everything you need to know about hiring a digital marketing agency:

This 30-page guide covers:
  • The four pillars of digital marketing
  • Digital marketing options and costs
  • The pitfalls to avoid
  • What to expect when working with an agency
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