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How Blogging Can Help Your Law Firm

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Search engine optimization, or SEO, is essential for businesses operating today. This is especially true for law firms. It’s no longer a luxury. It is a necessity.

Unfortunately, it is also highly complex. In fact, there are entire agencies dedicated to helping ordinary businesses build better results when it comes to search engine rankings. One of the most effective tools for building a higher page rank is the business blog. Unfortunately, it isn’t as simple as “If you build it, they will come.” There are many steps involved in blogging for SEO. Each step is necessary to help you reach your optimization goals.

Have you ever typed a question into Google to have hundreds of answers appear? Your question has probably been answered in a blog created by a company that wants your business. When it comes to law firms, like yours, you want to make sure that your blog is the one showing up in the results when people ask relevant legal questions.

For that to happen, it takes a specific combination of knowledge and action. Array Digital can help you with that. We have the knowledge and can help you perform the specific actions necessary to transform your law practice’s blog into a more effective tool for marketing than you thought possible.

If you don’t have the right knowledge about things like keyword research, understand the importance of fresh content, building backlinks, and utilizing social media to promote your high-quality blog content, then it is likely your blog isn’t meeting your expectations, and you may even find yourself falling in SERPs rather than rising in them the way you had planned.

Array Digital will generate blog content that interests your target audience, helping you identify potentially profitable long-tail keywords, and creating an SEO strategy that puts your blog front and center in line for better ranking and improving your overall conversions.

Stop blogging blindly — and alone. If your goal is to improve your Google ranking, you need to create blogs that are optimized for SEO. This means creating blogs that help you establish your authority within your practice area. It also means developing blogs will enable you to draw organic traffic to your website. Array Digital is here to help you create a winning strategy for your blogging efforts designed to improve page ranking, conversion rates, and more.

What is Blogging for SEO?

female blogger looking at her computer

Your law firm’s website likely has many pages. In fact, you probably have a few specific web pages that provide key details to the general public about your practice. These include the following types of pages:

  • Practice area pages
  • Contact information pages
  • Homepage
  • Location pages
  • Firm news

Each page on your website offers specific, useful information to your target audience. A blog is different. Blogs are about building SEO for your website and driving traffic to your site and the various pages on your site where visitors can get even more information (or find out who to contact within your firm to meet their needs).

When you blog for SEO, your goal is to make it to the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages). Your blog is able to assist in that effort by providing relevant answers to your audience’s burning questions(1). To accomplish this goal you will need to do the following — and more.

  • Keyword research
  • Build backlinks
  • Internal link building
  • Optimized content creation

More importantly, blogging isn’t a one-and-done effort. In order to maximize the potential of your blog you will need to provide a steady stream of new, relevant, high-quality content to your target audience. Here’s what many law firms do not understand about SEO: there are multiple tactics within search engine optimization. The more of the following tactics your bloggers utilize while blogging for your law firm, the better the ranking results your blog is likely to generate.

Types of SEO

Array Digital understands that there are many different types of SEO you may elect to use when blogging. We tend to focus on the following six for driving results and for the ranking favor they generate with search engines.

  1. Technical SEO
  2. On-page SEO
  3. SEO strategy
  4. Content
  5. Backlinks
  6. Local SEO

These types of SEO work together to increase the ranking factor for your law firm. The increased ranking factor, in turn, helps law firms, like yours, improve visibility in the search engines. That is why we take a holistic approach that focuses on all these search engine optimization tactics rather than only focusing on one method.

How Does Blogging Help SEO?

There are many reasons blogging is so beneficial for SEO. Few other resources offer as many opportunities to improve optimization as regular blogging delivers. Chief among them are the following.

  • Blogging keeps content fresh. You’re constantly adding new content to your blog, and this is something search engines love.
  • Blogging allows you to utilize long-tail keywords in a meaningful manner. Long-tail keywords can be difficult to drop into more formal pages of your website but can fit right into many different blog posts. They can also lead to higher conversion rates since the keyword is much more specific.
  • Blogging offers a less formal setting that allows you to connect with your target audience. It’s a more relaxed writing environment that aids in the relationship-building aspect of your business.
  • Blogging provides an opportunity to provide in-depth information about topics that may not be appropriate for the main web pages for your practice.
  • Blogs allow you to show off your expertise. This provides authority and helps to establish your law firm and attorneys as subject matter experts in various practice areas.
  • Blogging helps your law firm build backlinks. People link to blogs, your blog can link to various pages on your law firm’s main website, and you can use social media to build even more external links to your blog. Your blog is a necessity for link-building.

As you can see, there are many ways blogging is instrumental in SEO. If it weren’t so important to the optimization process, few law firms, or other businesses for that matter, would invest the time and effort needed to create a winning blog.

Why You Need to Build Internal Links

illustration of a pillar and cluster model

Google’s algorithm considers many different factors when assigning page rank to various web pages and properties. Internal links are tools Google uses to help develop a deeper understanding of the overall message of your website. More importantly, it helps Google identify which pages are the most important pages on your website. These are different from inbound links and social media links as they are elements you establish within your own website to point the way to important information your website contains.

The short answer is that internal links lend greater authority to some pages on your law firm’s website than others. Internal linking also helps to engage users by constantly providing them with additional resources throughout the content.

What Factors Affect Blogging?

Blogging is an ideal tool for increasing your SEO efforts and identifying and addressing your law firm’s target audience. One of the major ranking factors for blogs is Google’s algorithm updates. However, it isn’t the only ranking factor you must consider. These are a few other factors that can have a massive impact on how well your blog performs, whether it is a new blog or one that has been around for quite some time.

Mobile Friendliness

According to Insider Intelligence, nearly 35 percent of all media usage will occur on mobile devices by 2023. That’s slightly more than one-third, which makes it more important than ever that businesses, including law firms, optimize their blogs and web pages for mobile users.

Pages Speed

People are busier than ever. No one has the time or is willing to take the time to wait for slow-loading web or blog pages. Page speed matters. It’s as simple as that. If your blog pages take too long to load, your target audience will find new resources for information. It doesn’t matter how much relevant content your blog contains if it takes too long for people to find it. They will move on, and the search engines will promote your competitors’ websites with faster page load times.

Index Date

The index date is often identical to the original publication date. However, one effective tool for optimizing your blog, especially if your blog has been around a while, is to update older blog posts and republish them with more recent dates. Of course, you must add new data or perspectives to make this a plausible and productive activity. However, the process allows you to repurpose old information and insights while generating new content for your blog. It’s a win-win for you. Plus, it breathes new life into older content.

What to Include in Your Blog Posts

While there is quite a bit of latitude in what you may include in your blog posts, there are a few key components your blog posts must include in order to be effective parts of a winning SEO strategy. These are among the top components you want to include to invite the SEO results you seek.

Meta Descriptions

Optimize your meta descriptions to provide not only potential customers for your law firm the opportunity to learn more about the blog post but also to allow the search engines to understand the main idea of your post. This helps improve your organic search results. It also helps provide another opportunity to utilize those important long-tail keywords to aid in your SEO efforts.

Optimized Content

There are many SEO tools available to help you generate ideas and topics for your blog. However, targeting specific keywords in your content can be among the most effective tools at your disposal. This does not mean using keyword stuffing as an SEO strategy. It does mean using specific terms internet searchers are using to create headings and subheadings, title tags, and more within your blog posts. This optimizes the content and satisfies various metrics for the search engines — or their crawlers.

Compelling Titles

The best titles are not just SEO-friendly. A good title is an essential tool in content marketing. It allows you to reach out and grab the attention of your potential customers so that they feel compelled to dig deeper and read more. One of the best SEO tips you’ll ever receive involves learning to write compelling titles for your blog posts.

It’s not the title alone that matters for search engines, though. You also need to consider title tags. What this means, in general, is that your target keyword needs to appear within the first 65 characters of your title to maximize its SEO potential.

Images & Graphics

You may not realize it, but images are important SEO tools, too. Not only do images make your blog posts and landing pages more attractive to your audience. They also help you get your point across and make your message understood. Because image files can be quite large, it is important to pay attention to file size so that your images do not create page load time issues for your blog. You don’t want to create a situation that results in a diminished user experience for your audience from large image files.

While these things alone may not be enough to get you to the top of the Google search heap, they do work together to create a winning strategy to improve your overall ranking in the SERPs. Obviously, the goal is to make it to the top of the first page for any business owner. Taking small steps in the right direction can bring about huge benefits for your conversions and your overall ranking.

Working with experts that understand how to create a winning content marketing strategy is another step in the right direction. This is a critical step that could take your blog even further along. Digital marketing is a skill like any other. It takes time and experience to hone and perfect this particular skill. That is why you want to have experts on hand to help you throughout the process. Whether your law firm is a complete beginner in blogging or you’ve been stumbling through the process for years, Array Digital can help.

Maximize the Usefulness of Your Blog Immediately

female smiling while working on her laptop

Is your blog delivering the results you’ve hoped it would? Are you underwhelmed by the progress your blog has made over time? If you’re not climbing your way to the top of the SERPs or on the first page of Google’s search results, it is time to make a change. The fate of your law firm could depend on your blogging efforts today.

Array Digital is committed to helping law firms like yours soar through the SEO process to achieve greater success year after year. Let us help you avoid the painful process of learning WordPress and its numerous plugins, Google Analytics metrics (i.e., bounce rate, sessions, goal completions, etc.), and an entirely new vocabulary. Instead, let us teach you about the beauty of soaring past your local competitors in search engine results and gaining new conversions along the way.

Contact Array Digital today by filling out our convenient contact form online or calling 757-333-3021. With our decades of SEO expertise, we can help get your blog back on track today.

Written By Erik J. Olson
Founder & CEO
Erik J. Olson is the Founder & CEO of Array Digital—a marketing agency that enables its clients to achieve their dreams, fulfill their missions, and impact more lives with their services.

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