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How Our President’s Tactics Redefine Effective Leadership

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Key Takeaways:

  • A good leader motivates and listens to their team members.
  • Legal marketing trends are ever-changing, so law firms need flexible and adaptable marketing professionals.
  • If leaders are unable to listen to feedback and change their behavior accordingly, they have no hope of maximizing success.
  • Array Digital uses enhanced leadership strategies to offer digital marketing services to law firms.

Law firms often run into trouble with digital marketing strategies, as they dedicate sizable portions of their budget to efforts that do not pay off in the long term. Couple that with missed growth opportunities, and it’s easy for a firm to feel stagnant. The frustration that goes along with that can weigh heavily on partners in these firms, and that can cost clients, too.

Array Digital offers effective digital marketing solutions for the legal industry. Gary Honold, President of Array Digital, utilizes visionary leadership and innovative tactics to redefine effective digital marketing for the legal industry. Alongside his dedicated team, Gary transforms the digital presence of law firms to drive measurable success in an ever-evolving market.

What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership is much more than simply guiding or directing a group of people. It involves not only understanding what it takes to find success and motivate teams but also having the will to put it into action. People tend to have different ideas of what leadership means, so it’s important to consider what it means to you.

How can you become a better leader?

Becoming a better leader is a lifelong process that you will continue to refine throughout your entire career. The following steps, however, can help put you on the path.

  • Find a trusted mentor.
  • Research resources to learn and grow your skills.
  • Practice.
  • Complete a training course.
  • Consider your leadership style.
  • Ask for and apply feedback.

Essential skills for a marketing agency leader

A group of professionals collaborating in a comfortable lounge area, highlighting the president's effective leadership tactics that emphasize teamwork, communication, and innovation.

A marketing agency leader needs to have several skills to lead effectively. Arguably, the most important thing is the ability to consider and respect input from everyone else on the team. From senior executives to brand new hires, everyone’s ideas can have value, and a good leader should consider those ideas and give credit where it’s due. Leadership should be based on inspiration rather than fear or simple authority. It’s about bringing together a skilled group of people, aligning everyone’s goals, and then getting out of their way and allowing them to execute their skills.

Some other relevant skills include the following:

  • Accountability
  • Data-centric approach
  • Results focused
  • Adaptable but stable

What are the different styles of leadership?

  • Delegative leadership assigns responsibilities and takes a more hands-off approach, allowing team members to control their own day-to-day work.
  • Transformational leadership identifies room for growth or change, inspiring team members to push themselves to new levels.
  • Democratic leadership takes input from the team and fosters a collaborative decision-making process.
  • Authoritarian leadership asserts absolute control over the team and decision-making process.
  • Servant leadership prioritizes growth among team members over the leader’s or organization’s goals.
  • Transactional leadership focuses on individual goals and motivates team members through rewards or punishments.

How does leadership style impact team performance and morale?

Three business professionals smiling and engaging in a friendly conversation outdoors, symbolizing the positive impact of effective leadership on team performance and morale.

Overall morale for the team can be heavily dependent on leadership styles, and some styles tend to work better for keeping team members motivated. Legal digital marketing is an industry that sees rapid changes occur with little to no warning, so an adaptable and inspiring leader is essential. To exercise effective leadership, those leaders should motivate the team to stay ahead of the trends instead of stoking fear of change.

Our president, Gary Honold, believes providing your staff with a vision is critical for morale and performance.

“You have to provide a vision and a course for people to follow. They need to know what you set the compass to as an organization. It needs to be more than ‘I work here, and you pay me.’ How is our world defined here? What are we doing? What are we after? What are we about? If you don’t have that, if it’s just punching off a task list for each client, it’s just like one big grind.

So you bring in amazing people, show them the vision and how you’re going to do it, and then you’ve got to kind of get out of the way and let them do it. Having a vision is great, and having a process is great, but if you don’t have a great team to fulfill that, good luck. You’re only as good as your talent. Otherwise, all you have is a great idea.”

How can leaders empower employees?

Leaders can empower employees by giving weight to their voices. If a team member feels like their contributions do not matter, they will not try as hard. Give your employees a platform to express their ideas and encourage them to grow professionally. A good leader is invested in the success of each of their team members.

We encourage our employees to train beyond their skills and think critically about how to adapt to the ever-changing SEO landscape. They regularly bring innovative ideas to the table that we incorporate into our processes, keeping us competitive no matter how the algorithm shifts.

How to earn respect as a leader

  • Give respect to others.
  • Be consistent.
  • Be balanced and centered.
  • Understand your business and the work required.
  • Work hard for your team.
  • Show humility.
  • Be open to new opinions.
  • Understand what you can and cannot control.
  • Recognize the success of others.
  • Support your team.

Array Digital: where impactful leadership drives client success

Three professionals in a modern office setting engaged in a thoughtful discussion, illustrating the president's leadership tactics that foster collaboration and drive client success.

At Array Digital, we focus on actionable results and visible change to deliver results for our clients. We have extensive experience working in the legal industry, and we can put that experience to work for your law firm. Our team works closely with clients to create custom strategies, educate the client on SEO, and maintain a collaborative line of communication so your marketing always feels tailored to your firm’s goals.

Transforming law firms through visionary leadership

Gary’s leadership at Array Digital empowers our team to put their best work towards our legal clients. Law firms excel due to our experience, dedication to success, and ability to stay ahead in an ever-evolving market. Take control of your marketing and see how effective leadership can work for your firm. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation and start your path to effective leadership and marketing today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does poor leadership look like?

A poor leader refuses to listen to team members and treats employees more as servants than team members with valuable contributions and ideas. They frequently demoralize their employees, sometimes without realizing they are doing so.

Remember that leadership should foster long-term growth and employee success. That is rarely done by devaluing employees, who are the lifeblood of any company.

What are the four traits of successful leadership?
  • Trust
  • Compassion
  • Stability
  • Hope

Of course, variance in personalities will impact this list, but these are basic traits that any leader should practice.

What makes a good leader in legal marketing?

Being a marketing leader means effectively adapting to changing trends and motivating the team to meet the unique requirements of every client. For law firms, a leader knows that their marketing strategy should be scalable and exciting for employees, but it should also meet clients where they currently are.

Written By Gary Honold
President / CMO
I am a digital marketer and SEO manager with 30+ years’ experience driving web traffic, leads, and conversions for clients in highly competitive markets.

Everything You Need to Know About Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency:

This 30-page guide covers:
  • The four pillars of digital marketing
  • Digital marketing options and costs
  • The pitfalls to avoid
  • What to expect when working with an agency
  • The qualities to look for in a digital marketing agency

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