Armando Leduc

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About Armando Leduc
In this episode of the Managing Partners podcast, Kevin Daisey and Armando Leduc discuss the power of podcasting for lawyers. They explore how podcasts can be leveraged for business development, building relationships, enhance marketing, and streamline business development. Armando shares his journey into the legal space and how podcasting has transformed his approach to content marketing. The conversation emphasizes that the true power of podcasting lies not in viewership or listenership but in its ability to foster meaningful connections with referral partners, clients, and the community.
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Episode Transcript:
Kevin Daisey (00:09)
What’s up everyone. We are live. This is Kevin Daisy with the Managing Partners podcast. And today I have one of my good friends and fellow podcaster Armando on the show, LaDuke. What’s up?
Armando Leduc (00:20)
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you for having me today.
Kevin Daisey (00:28)
Yeah, man. Good to see you. so Armando always, it’s always a easy conversation with him and, just on his show recently talking about podcasting and I wanted to have him on the show to talk to all my guests about it and how lawyers can leverage a podcast in many different ways. And we’re going to kind of walk through some of those ways today, but some of the best ways, if you’re not even familiar with.
Armando Leduc (00:51)
Kevin Daisey (00:58)
that you can be using a podcast. and most don’t think about this. So some cool stuff, tons of value, with this episode. So, so stay tuned in and, and we’ll be sharing, but first Armando, tell us your story, your background, which is super cool. so the audience can learn more about who you are.
Armando Leduc (01:20)
I’ll give you a two minute. I’ll give you the two minute or this was a grew up in theater, started doing film, was in front of the camera, was always a performer and then ended up doing, you know, 60 to 70 television and film projects, wanted to do more behind the scenes stuff, got behind the camera, produced some movies, went into corporate work.
started doing commercials and weddings and the whole nine and then in 2020 connected with a high school friend of mine, Louis Scott, who runs 8 Figure Firm. And that’s how I got involved in the legal space and, what content marketing is and the whole nine. And that’s how, you know, podcasting started to come up because it was a really easy way to create content on a regular basis where it doesn’t, you know, you really have to like sit and
plan a whole shoot out, you you just set up cameras and have a conversation. And that’s until we started doing that. And that just really changed the game for us. We really started scaling quickly as a company as a result of my podcast. And we’ll talk, you know, we’ll get into the nitty gritty about how to how to leverage it.
Because I think a lot of people’s mindset when it comes to podcasting is viewership and listenership. And I don’t really care if people listen to my show or not. That’s not why I do it.
Kevin Daisey (02:47)
100%. I mean, spot on. That’s, that’s the kind of, when I went into it, thinking that, you know, viewership and editing and you know, how polished it was. And I was blinded by that for a while until we decided, you know what? That’s, that’s not as important. So yeah, so to get into that and, but yeah, cool background. Armando was actually in a, a TV show I used to love, which is a prison break. so.
Armando Leduc (03:15)
Kevin Daisey (03:17)
Yeah. And then we met at 8 Figure Firm. it’s how we met. Louise connected us and met there on, in Chicago and headed off and, here we are. So here we are making dreams come true on the managing partners podcast.
Armando Leduc (03:20)
And then we met at Eight Figure Farm.
Here we are.
And I’ll I’ll tell
you, you know, we met in Chicago and then I had you on the podcast. And that’s how we sort of solidified a relationship. And and look, that’s it’s it’s a connecting tool for us. I read the you’ve read the book, The Five Love Languages. And so basic. you haven’t. It’s a good book, man. So, you know, it’s it’s about relationships.
and more about like romantic relationships, but I was it just makes sense to bring it in. No. Well, you know, so so everybody has five love language. Everybody has like a love language that where they feel loved. Right. The five love languages are touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service and gift giving. And so the book deals with, OK, what is the person’s love language?
Kevin Daisey (04:06)
Are you getting romantic on here with me?
Armando Leduc (04:29)
Because if you’re not speaking their love language, then it doesn’t really matter, right? Like if you’re a real big gift giver and somebody receives a gift and that’s not their love language, then it’s just really not gonna resonate as much. But if somebody loves quality time or if somebody loves acts of service or if somebody likes words of affirmation, when you’re doing a podcast, you’re hitting four of those love languages. You’re spending quality time with them.
Kevin Daisey (04:51)
Armando Leduc (04:56)
And the act of service is giving them a platform to talk about themselves, right? You’re giving them words of affirmation because you make them look like a rock star, right? And then the, the gift giving aspect is, is that you’re able to push this out onto your platform and give them, you know, give them more publicity, give them more branding, thought leadership, you know? So when we, when I started to think about, okay, how do I really connect with somebody? And when you’re thinking, when, I’ve been to
every I feel like I’ve been at every sales presentation and method and every single one of the sales methods they talk about. Well, you got to build rapport. That’s the first thing in every single method is build rapport. But how much time do people usually spend on it? Maybe two, three minutes. Hey, Kevin, where are you from? South Carolina. You must be a Gamecocks fan. Great. Let’s roll into the sales conversation. Right. You know, and so that’s it. And that’s what I think people do on a regular basis.
Kevin Daisey (05:45)
Armando Leduc (05:55)
But here we’re like, let’s just spend 30, 40 minutes talking about you, talking about, you know, what makes you tick and what lights you up and how you got to where you got and giving you that platform. And then at the end of it, I know more about you. I know how to connect. Maybe it’s a good fit. Maybe it’s not a good fit, you know, but you’ll find your people with this process. And with that, you can start growing a network. And that’s how we use it is, you know,
We use it for business development, we also use it for referral and joint venture partnership.
Kevin Daisey (06:29)
Yeah. So, I mean, without a doubt, I mean, the time you get to spend with folks like, you know, yourself or, other, you know, lawyers that I’ve met through the show has been priceless. And not that I’m just signing everyone up that comes to be a guest on my show. don’t, don’t even push to do that at all. And, you know, if they have a need, I know they have a need, then there may be a fit, but the relationships I’ve built and the referrals that I’ve gotten from guests and.
That’s how I met Luis. He was a guest on my show and, you know, once he started a figure firm, he was like, Hey, I was like, Hey, it looks like you’re doing something new now. So want to come back on the show. And then he invited me to come to his private event in Chicago, which a marketer wouldn’t even be able to have access to. So, and I didn’t ask him for that, you know, and, but you get, like you said,
If I was trying to sell you something Armando, like I would, you have this pressure to like make a little small talk, but then cut the chase because they ain’t got time to make friends with you. you know? So there’s the second almost you’re trying, you can’t make too much of relationship on purpose with this is the opposite. Like you’re just literally getting, you’ll
Armando Leduc (07:36)
It’s all about
the relationship.
Kevin Daisey (07:52)
Yes. And the, you know, in this 30 minutes that we’re going to spend right now, if I didn’t know you till right the second, I’ll get to know you better than most people you spend your time with throughout the whole week or month or whatever that you meet along the way.
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Armando Leduc (09:35)
How often do we really sit with someone in a setting like this and ask them questions and interview them like they’re a president, like they’re celebrity? We don’t, right? And when you give somebody that opportunity, boy, it’s such a…
cathartic and an amazing feeling for that person because they’re like, wow, look at this person being so interested in who I am and what I have to offer and my knowledge and my thought leadership. And, you know, people love that. They love it.
Kevin Daisey (10:13)
And at the same time on the other, the flip side, generally, like honestly, I love hearing what they have to say. Cause I run a business. I’m, I’m always trying to learn too. And I hear stuff all the time. I’m like, that’s, that’s a fricking great idea. That’s a good tip. That’s wow. You know what I mean? So it, ends up being like this win-win and so many levels. And I imagine if you met someone right now in a coffee shop and you like said, Hey,
Armando Leduc (10:39)
Kevin Daisey (10:44)
Tell me how you run your company. Tell me about how you’re, like, they’d be like, what are you talking about? This gives you the platform to ask these questions and to get deep and to figure out, like, what have they done to be successful? And they’re there to tell you and the audience all about it and share that.
Armando Leduc (11:02)
And look, it’s the hot
seat. It’s the hot seat. Like you could ask somebody, like you said, in a coffee shop, hey, you know, tell me some, you know, tell me some nuggets or whatever. They’re not really going to be bringing their a game, right? They know they’re bringing their a game because people are going to be watching the show. So they have to come with something, right? They have to come with like, all right, how am I going to build value on this on this podcast? How are you know, is this going to be a
Kevin Daisey (11:25)
Armando Leduc (11:29)
entertaining piece. Is this going to be a value built piece or somebody, are they going to walk away with something? And I definitely, you know, every time I go on a podcast as a guest, I always try to give some nuggets out that people can actually take right now so that it can help their business. and the, and the nugget that I will talk about, and this is, I’m speaking at 8 Figure Firm in January on this particular subject, but it is the,
It is the journey, right? The client journey. But I talk about the client journey just a little bit different, right? Because I don’t think it’s just about the client journey. I think it’s about your referral partner journey. I think it’s about your recruiting journey. And I think it’s about your employee journey. And I’ll explain. You have a journey, right? For everybody that comes in the door, everybody that like whether they’re a client, whether they’re a referral partner, whether they’re an employee, you know, a
you know, a recruiting aspect, they have a journey. And most times, I’ll say 98 % of the time, that is not mapped out. It’s just not mapped out. They’re just not thinking about it. They’re improvising it. And when they’re improvising it, how can you really test and analyze the things that are working the things that are not working. And so what we did because we lost, we lost like, I think
$35, $40,000 in business in like one day
because we lost some clients. And they were like, Armando, you we love you, but your, your process is just messed up. Like it just doesn’t, like we didn’t know what we were getting. We didn’t know, you know, how it worked and what we were being charged for and all of this. And I was like, damn, we take for granted all of the knowledge that we have. Right. And yet we’re not being
we’re not keeping our clients educated through the process so they know, okay, what’s happening. And so super important for attorneys to be working on creating some sort of a journey because there’s so much time that’s spent not communicating with the client because the either the attorney is filling, you know, filing paperwork back and forth or, you know, the, the, client is going to the doctor to, you know, to, to just
build the case, right? And so there’s nothing going on. Meanwhile, you have this client that’s sitting there wondering what’s happening, right? And so we’re, we’re just taking it for granted that we know all of these things. And I’m like, well, let’s plan out a whole journey with touch points, so that you can keep your client informed where they are in the process. And look, maybe it’s over communicating sometimes. But I think over communicating is is better.
than under communicating because they can go, I’m not, I’m not going to watch that email or, whatever. but I’m at least being kept in the, in, in the light as far as where I am in the process. And so what we’ve done is we mapped out our client journey, but we’ve also mapped out a referral partner journey. And this is where the podcast really gets interesting because if I’m a personal injury attorney and I start a podcast, great things that you’re going to do with it are
Kevin Daisey (14:25)
Armando Leduc (14:49)
Obviously cut it up in into pieces so that you can put it on social media. That’s number one. He’s super easy, you know, obviously put it on Spotify, Apple Music, iHeartRadio, the whole nine, right? So that it’s easy to find you, right? I would make sure that your name is in there somehow for SEO purposes, right? Make sure that your your law firm sponsors the show, right? So at some point in the show, mention that, hey, this show is brought to you by the blank and blank law firm.
right? You know, for all of your personal injury needs or your family divorce needs, whatever. Make sure that that is in there. So that is the that’s just the low hanging fruit. Here’s where it gets interesting. If you can bring in referral partners and I don’t think and I think people, especially in the law law industry, I mean, dude, your your your your referrals are so easy to get because this family law attorney isn’t going to be handling their personal
Kevin Daisey (15:30)
Easy stuff.
Armando Leduc (15:48)
personal injury cases, but she’s getting it. She’s getting those calls and she’s giving those those deals to somebody. She’s giving those cases to somebody. So those cases could be going to you if you guys create some sort of referral partnership because you guys are obviously going to get divorce cases in there at some point and you guys can push it out to their employment law business, you know, the whole nine. So if you guys are putting these touch points together on a regular basis and we’ve taken
the five love languages, and we’ve taken giftology, right? You know the book by Roland. So every touch point is a value build offer in some way that like connects with the person, whether we’re gifting on a quarterly basis, whether we’re leaving them Google reviews, whether we’re posting about their stuff, whether we’re commenting and liking posts on social media.
Kevin Daisey (16:23)
Yep, yep, we’ve used that, yeah.
Armando Leduc (16:45)
endorsing them on LinkedIn, referring them business. Like there is just, I have like 20 different touch points that I plan out through my CRM. Some of them are, some of them are automated and then some of them have to be triggered by somebody. So I’ve hired a dedicated VA to just be my customer journey, like manager.
right? To make sure that they know where people are in the process. So clients are getting, you know, not only are they getting where they are in the phases of how we work, but my referral partners are getting, you know, value build content. I’m referring them business. My employees also are getting touch points.
So, you know, hey, are you giving, are you setting up the one to ones with them? Are you giving some time off? Are you giving them bonuses? Is there, you know, is there gifting in place? How are you, you know, how are you hitting those five, those five different touch points within your industry recruiting? Same deal, you know? And so if at every moment you’ve planned out these, these touch points and these, journey, man, it, makes you look like
you’re a superhero because they’re like, holy shit, man, this guy is so attentive, right? Like he makes me feel so good. And you’re like, yeah, I just I just planned it, though. Like I pre planned these touch points, you know, and that makes it look like, man, these guys, it makes it look like we’re being it like we’re being spontaneous with these touch points. But we’re not. We’re super intentional about everything.
Kevin Daisey (18:02)
I love it. And so the podcast is just the icing on the cake here, right? How’s that working to it?
Armando Leduc (18:31)
And so the podcast.
It’s that, well,
it’s the first touch point, right? It’s the touch point that like, if I’m, you know, I’m your, you know, you are, are, are, are referral partner. Right. So we’re going to start moving into that direction where we’re like, Hey, Kevin, how can we, you know, introduce you to some people? Hey, Kevin, you know, let’s leave you a Google review. Hey, Kevin, what, you know, here’s a gift. Hey, Kevin, you know, like, how can we always stay top of mind with Kevin and not in a way where it’s just like, dude, he’s
this guy again, you know what I mean? Like, that’s what we want to avoid is that feeling. It’s like, God, this guy again, we want to be just enough, enough touch points to endear us. You know what I mean? With the right with the exact things that you’re going to look for. Right? Because if I’m reaching out to you on a regular basis for you to give me referrals, that’s not going to work. Because every single time I’m hitting you up, I’m asking for something.
Instead, every time I’m hitting you up, I want to be giving you something.
Kevin Daisey (19:37)
I love that. That’s awesome. But yeah, the podcast just, the relationship gets formed so quickly to make those other things just be like, wow, like they’re still giving back. They’re still featuring me. They’re still posting about me. They’ve, you know, for me, like we, take our guests and invite them to a private Facebook group with other smart people. so it was just building that out. I love that. I love that a lot. That’s awesome.
Armando Leduc (20:01)
Yeah, so that’s what I’m gonna be talking about in January. But, we’ve built it out for several of our clients, and they love it. They absolutely love it. And it’s just been a game changer.
Kevin Daisey (20:10)
So I think the main thing here is,
if somebody, I want to start a podcast and just talk about the law versus having a podcast that is again, sponsored by your firm, right? It’s like your own show, but your referral partners come on, you build that relationship or you’re having people from your community come on that people want to tune in to actually listen to the show.
Armando Leduc (20:28)
Don’t do that.
Kevin Daisey (20:48)
and not hear about the law. so, but you’re, it’s your platform. It’s your show. You’re sponsored by you. And so you can do all kinds of cool things with podcasts to be your, your community place for news or business news or whatever. And you’re building referral partners at the same time that you’re getting listeners to convert into clients.
Armando Leduc (21:06)
Can do that. Yep.
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