Chris Schmiedeke

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About Chris Schmiedeke
Chris Schmiedeke is the Managing Partner of the Law Office of Chris Schmiedeke located in Dallas, Texas.
Chris graduated from Plano Senior High in 1984 and then attended Richland College and the University of North Texas where he received a Bachelor of Business Administration. From there, he attended the Texas Tech University School of Law and was licensed to practice law in May of 1993.
Learn from his expertise and what trends are helping grow his firm on this episode of The Managing Partners Podcast!
Episode Transcript:
Kevin Daisey (00:01):
Hey there everyone. Welcome to another episode of The Managing Partners Podcast. My name’s Kevin Daisey, founder of Array Digital. We help law firms grow through digital marketing today. I have a very special guest. Who’s a client of ours, so I’d like to welcome Chris Schmiedeke
Chris Schmiedeke (00:20):
Hello everyone,
Kevin Daisey (00:21):
Chris. Welcome to the show.
Chris Schmiedeke (00:23):
Thank you. Glad to
Kevin Daisey (00:24):
Be here. And what’s is your name right?
Chris Schmiedeke (00:26):
No, it’s perfect. Perfect.
Kevin Daisey (00:27):
Schmiedeke. I, I, I tell the team all the time. They’re like, how do we say his last name?
Chris Schmiedeke (00:32):
Yeah. Now that you hit it right on.
Kevin Daisey (00:34):
Cool. So, well, I spent some time with you, so yeah. So welcome Chris to the show. Chris has a lot to share. He’s doing some really unique stuff and he’s not afraid to try new things. And we’re, you know, excited to have Chris share some of those things on the show here today for everyone tuning in. Again, this show really is we want to help attorneys out there grow their firms. So hopefully you can learn something from our guest and, and Chris is one of those people that you can definitely learn a lot from. And if I can add some value to then I’m here to do that as well. So always reach out, got any questions you can reach out to me or any of our guests. You can go check out the podcast page and all the different episodes. And hopefully there’s some value in one of those episodes for you. I think Chris, we’re now at surpassing 250 to 275 only about two 18 or live that I know of. Last time I checked, but we have quite a backlog, but so Chris, this show all about you. Of course, we want to learn more about yourself and your firm. So let’s start at the beginning and, you know, tell us why you human an attorney and what that path was like.
Chris Schmiedeke (01:47):
All right, well, that’s, that’s an interesting one. So why did I become an attorney
Kevin Daisey (01:51):
You that time?
Chris Schmiedeke (01:52):
<Laugh> so it’s, it’s pretty simple, actually. I, you know getting outta college and, and, or, or rapidly approaching the end of college you know, as a, a business real estate major and not really interested in business real estate at that time, at least. And so I needed a new plan. I needed something new to do. So what better way than, you know, keep going to school? I was ha you know, like most college guys, I was really enjoying school all the social activities that is. And then so I just applied, I applied to law, a couple law schools. I did SMU in Texas tech and awesome accepted to Texas tech. And I went out there quite an eyeopener going to law school for sure. It was not like undergrad. But yeah, I made it through graduated came back home job market. Wasn’t that great. So, you know, I kind of hung a shingle out there. I had people contact me, friends, family, like, Hey Chris, can you help me with you know, X, Y, or Z? And it almost always was something to do with divorce <laugh>. So divorce kind of found me, I did a little bit of criminal law as well. And then one thing led to another and man, it, it all, it all went family from that point, probably back in, you know, you’re probably talking 90, 96, 97.
Kevin Daisey (03:30):
Excellent. So when you say home, where is that for everyone listening?
Chris Schmiedeke (03:34):
Dallas, Texas. So went to college here locally at north Texas up in Denton and then Texas tech out in Lubbock, and then came back to Dallas and I’ve been in Dallas ever since.
Kevin Daisey (03:49):
Excellent. So everyone listening to if you’re watching right below on the screen is a website address. So you can check out Chris and his firm and you’ll already see that it’s kind of unique, which we’re gonna talk about here in a minute, but kind of the brand and the name that he is that he is representing, but If you’re listening on a podcast platform. So it’s, go check out Chris you’ll immediately see kind what makes him a little bit unique and different as far as how he markets himself and brands himself in the divorce space. So excellent. So I assume Chris, you’re a, a big Washington fan since you’re Dallas.
Chris Schmiedeke (04:28):
Yeah. Huge, huge Washington fan giants, the Eagles I love, I love ’em all.
Kevin Daisey (04:35):
Yeah. Yeah. So I’m, I’m, I’m from the Washington kind of area, so closest to it. Anyway, the Ravens in Washington are pretty much the same distance from me, but yeah,
Chris Schmiedeke (04:45):
I can get into the Ravens now, but Washington, no, no, no, no, no.
Kevin Daisey (04:50):
I can’t even say their names. I don’t even know what their name is anymore, so,
Chris Schmiedeke (04:53):
Yeah. Right.
Kevin Daisey (04:54):
I don’t even know what to do about that, but alright. So you’re in Dallas, you specialize in divorce, let’s kind of talk about you know, maybe a little bit of the makeup of your firm. So size of your firm, and I’m again, talking to these, these smaller attorneys out there that are trying to get started. Are there maybe a few steps behind you? You know, what’s the, the size of your firm right now and, and kind of where are you looking to go?
Chris Schmiedeke (05:23):
So I am currently at, I have three attorneys, two paralegals and a legal assistant is where where are, and the attorneys that doesn’t include me. I’ve, I’ve sort of you know, I’ve been doing this a long time, approaching 30 years in practice, and I’ve, you know, the, the litigation stuff is, is <laugh>, it wears thin after a while. So there’s only so long. You can do that before it really starts to take its toll. And so a handful of years back, I, I hired my first attorney and sort of pulled myself out of the litigation practice. So I pretty much focus on just running the business. And I do, I still do the sales for the office. So I’m meeting with potential clients and all of that. So I have three attorneys and two paralegals cranking out the legal work right now.
Kevin Daisey (06:10):
That’s excellent. So, and not something you hear often, especially at your size which I think is something for people to note down is, you know, I mean, a lot of attorneys actually, I met a talking attorney yesterday, but there was partners. One runs the business and business and the other one wants just to be a lawyer. But they had partners at least to do that. But I think I fee, you know, I talked to a lot of attorneys in here that they can’t even get out of it if they wanted to or some just maybe don’t think that’s an option. It’s just, they have to continue to, to do the same work. But, but the fact that you’re working on the business instead of just in the business is correct. That’s a huge step in the right direction. So excellent. So kind of tell me, you know, we talked about this pre-show, but what are some of the things that you’ve done or invested in that’s gonna helped you make that decision or, or go down this path?
Chris Schmiedeke (07:06):
So, well, I mean, it initially probably I’d say six or seven years ago, I was a true solo. Like for a period of time there, I was like, literally the only person working, I didn’t even have an assistant <laugh>. And you know, it, it’s ju you get so busy and you’re working so many hours and you’re doing so many like lower level tasks that it, it becomes overwhelming. Like you’re spending your whole day back in the day showing my age, but back in the, you know, doing letters and filling envelopes and putting stamps on and mailing things and all of that. So, you know, I learned pretty quickly on my own that if, if I hired somebody that that was not overhead, it was a revenue generation for me. So I could actually make more money by hiring somebody, which is counterintuitive, at least for young attorneys or, or those just starting out on their own, they think, oh, I don’t, that’s just overhead.(08:10):
I don’t wanna pay that, but it’s, but it’s not, if you have people that are billing hourly, it’s, it’s gonna be a revenue generation for you provided that you price it correctly. You need to price through time correctly, you need to be getting a return on your investment. You know, probably at least a three times return on whatever you’re paying them. But so I learned that early on and, you know, I, I, I plugged along with that for a few years. And then I think it was 2014, you know, I was pretty much surviving on my website way back then. And I’m, I Google rolled out in 2014 or around that time they rolled out some kind of update. And I was a, I was a Westlaw guy back then. And that, that new Google update just trashed my website. I couldn’t, I mean, it went from, you know, getting a decent amount of work to nothing in, in wow for the year. And it was ridiculous. It was the worst year I’ve ever had. Gross income was, was under 200,000. It was terrible. And just about that time, I got an email, a marketing email, you know, the thing with marketing is you gotta hit the right person at the right time and the right place kind of thing. And boy,
Kevin Daisey (09:23):
The right pain point
Chris Schmiedeke (09:24):
<Laugh>. Yep. And it struck me, it was how to manage a small law firm. And I joined, I talked to them first and I joined them in 2015, right at the beginning of 2015, I actually went to my first quarterly meeting and I’ve been with them ever since. And it was it was the best thing I ever did it, I would never, it changed my life. I mean, and, and I basically just in general, I would say I’ve grown probably 20 to 30% every year, since 2014. So that’s huge, you know, I’m about, I’m about, so what is that? I’m about seven years into this now. So it’s, it’s, it changed everything. And you know, you go to law school and you, you learn how to, you know, you learn about the law and statutes and case law and all of that stuff, but you don’t learn how to run a business.(10:23):
Right. So unless you go out and work for somebody, you don’t have the first clue what you’re doing. Like, it’s super easy to say, I’m, I’m gonna open up an office, give me the keys, here’s your rent. Then what, you know, then what do you do? What, what about marketing and overhead and employees and, and, and your systems and processes and all of that, that’s what you learn and how to manage. They, they, it’s how to run a business that happens to be a law firm. And it has really nothing to do with the law per se.
Kevin Daisey (10:55):
Yeah. So I guess for those listening in too, it’s how to manage, which we know we’re not affiliated with at all in any way, but we do know folks over there, we do have quite a bit of clients that are members and we just not heard nothing but good things. And I’m gonna put this on this, the screen, but this is how to manage a small law firm is the website address. You can check them out, or if you just Google that you can find them. But it’s basically a mastermind. If you will, it’s a, a group of your peers, they have systems and processes and how tos on pretty much everything. And then they’ll assign you people like a CFO, a CMO, a CEO, to fill some of the roles that you are not familiar with. And, you
Chris Schmiedeke (11:46):
Know, yeah, they’ll start, you they’ll start you with a CEO. That’s the first step. That’s where you begin. And as you grow, you would then go to like a COO to help you with your, you know, your procedures and your systems. Then the CFO, as you reach certain levels where you need to start knowing your numbers a little bit better. But you always start off with the CEO and, and you meet with them three times in a month. So there’s quite a bit of, of going back and forth with them. And they basically guide you and help you along in the process of growing and get you through the growing pains and, you know, triage, emergencies, and all of that. But, and you just pay a monthly fee for it. But I mean, again,
Kevin Daisey (12:30):
Phenomenal compared
Chris Schmiedeke (12:31):
To, if you’re talking to a return on investment, it’s, it’s not, I mean, I went from, from a hundred and something thousand a year to over a million, so yeah, pretty good ROI.
Kevin Daisey (12:44):
Right. And here’s the thing, you know, and I think that’s the biggest problem I see is, yeah. Attorneys are not trained on how to run a business. Well, I wasn’t either. I was a digital marketer. Like I could build websites, but it doesn’t mean I know how to run a business that threw, I just did it for a long time, but then I, I also get help. So I’ve been in a mastermind of digital agency owners. I’ve been in other business owner groups. So we constantly are investing in mentorship and coaches, but for anyone out there, again, that needs to help in the space, how to manage is expo. You know, just for you, there are other groups out there too.
Chris Schmiedeke (13:21):
Yeah, absolutely. There’s all kinds of stuff you can find ’em on LinkedIn too. If you look around, there’s some, there’s some people that used to be involved that with how to manage that split off and they’re doing that stuff. So, I mean, there’s stuff out there. You just gotta be. You just gotta be careful with who you pick. I mean, because what’ll happen is you’ll get people that are gonna just help you with, with your marketing or they’ll be people that are just gonna help you with your systems and processes, but they don’t do the whole package, which is which, you know, they’ll say, and, and how to manage its seven parts of your business. Right? So you got your marketing sales, your factory, which cranks out the work, you got your people, you got your systems and processes. And then, and then probably the most important piece of the business is is you your brain, what’s holding you back. Why are you not making decisions? What are you afraid of? That kind of stuff,
Kevin Daisey (14:16):
Your beliefs.
Chris Schmiedeke (14:17):
Kevin Daisey (14:18):
You know, you gotta, and
Chris Schmiedeke (14:19):
That’s quite frankly, that’s the biggest, that’s the biggest thing that holds everybody back. If you’re trying to start your own business, I, I would almost guarantee that that good portion of what’s holding you back is between your ears.
Kevin Daisey (14:31):
Yep. That’s the right. I love it. So I think the biggest one big takeaway for everyone listening right now is there are these groups out there, there are these places you can turn to if you’re stuck or you’re just, maybe you’re a solo and you’re like, ah, man, I’m just working. And you, you know, could be 20 years in and still, and like Chris was doing this for quite a while before he found there’s a better way to do this.
Chris Schmiedeke (14:55):
Unfortunately. Yeah. I wish my, I wish one thing I regret wish I could have found that, you know, 10 years prior to when I did, would’ve been, I can’t even imagine where I’d be right now.
Kevin Daisey (15:05):
Yeah. And so you know, the reason I wanted to talk about them, cause I knew Chris was in the group and I’ve heard nothing but good things. And I think that’s a big help for everyone. I don’t think we’ve really talked about the group on the show before. So again, I I’m strongly support ’em and then also, because I mean, they referred Chris to us. So, you know, I like to, you know, send as much back as I can. I got a couple attorneys that are small that need the same help and I’ve, I’m pushing ’em towards checking out the group because we can do your marketing. Like Chris, you were saying, we can do that, but that’s, we can’t help you with processes. We can’t help you with coaching on how to run your business. Now could I help maybe with some thoughts on that?
Yeah. Maybe, but that’s not what we do. And so yeah, so they, they refer Chris to us and I appreciate that. And now we’re working with Chris to get him going the right direction with his SEO and his website, make sure the Google updates, don’t crush his business in the future. And so yeah, check out that group, amazing group. I’ve heard nothing but good things and I’m sure we’re gonna be doing more with them as we go. So I’m actually starting to meet a lot of the coaches and the CEOs and, and stuff like that. So yeah. Good stuff. So let’s change the topic a little bit. Chris, you mentioned, I, I, you know, you’ve done a lot with your digital marketing with your marketing. You’re, you’re doing videos. You have a YouTube channel tell us about, so maybe some of the things that you’ve done that are unique, I guess, in your space and, and kind of sets you apart maybe from other divorce attorneys in Dallas, per, per se.
Chris Schmiedeke (16:49):
Yeah, I mean, I have a, a YouTube channel. I think it’s, I think you can just search off as a Chris Schmid I think it’ll pull it up, but it, it, it primarily focuses on so we have a, in Texas for families that have kids, when they separate or divorce, they have a, what’s called a standard possession schedule put together by the legislature. So it’s statutory. And so I’d do a, I’d do a monthly video on that, on what the upcoming month looks like, cuz people really struggle with it. It’s they get really confused. It, you know, it’s a lot of legal mumbo jumbo and all of that. So they get confused. So I try to do that. That’s part of like their quote unquote simplification, trying to help people understand things. And I do some other short videos on related topics.
Like how long does it take to get divorced and you know, things like that. So I enjoy that. I like making movies and editing them and doing all that stuff. So that one that’s kind of enjoyable for me. In terms of the practice as a whole you know, the name divorce, simplified simplified means a lot of things, you know, we try to be we try to be way more communicative if that’s a word with our clients involving them more as a, as a team member, as opposed to dictatorship of us telling you this is what you’re gonna do and making decisions, we try to involve them a lot more. We try to simplify our office in terms of how we handle ourselves. We’re not, we try not to be too stuffy very laid back, easy to talk to.
You know, I try to be very helpful to people, even if I’m, they’re not gonna hire me to represent me. I, I try to make sure, I at least give them some kind of a game plan going forward on what they can focus on or accumulate evidence wise or what they need to be working on and things like that. You know, and then for, for clients and former clients, you know, they’ve always got an open door to come in and, and ask questions and, you know, with kids, you don’t until they’re 18 you could find yourself back in court in a, in a year. So you could, you could go back yearly for 10 years. So, you know, we get a lot of repeat business, but you get a lot of questions, too. People who, who need help, maybe not necessarily in the courtroom, but they just need questions answered. And so they always come back to me. So I’m just trying to, I, I just, I don’t like the stuffiness of, of <laugh> of law firms. And so I’m trying to get away from that and trying to be a little bit more caring about the people that are calling us and we work for rather than just numbers.
Kevin Daisey (19:32):
No, I love it. So that’s what, you know, when I first met you the one thing I liked was that you just overall feel and, and appearance and, and, and, you know, most of my guests are suited suit and tie and, you know, maybe they’re just because they’re gonna be on a podcast. Maybe they just think they need to dress up. But but I just liked that. It just, it seems like I can go backpacking with you instead of sure. You representing me, which is I like to go backpacking. So <laugh>, that’s perfect. So yeah, I just let the whole look and feel again. I think you guys listening and check out the website you can kind of see kind of what he’s done. And again, I like the brand too, with the board simplified, you could go with the law offices of Chris Schmenk right. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> standards or just your name or whatever, but I just, you know, I like the branding aspect of it.
Chris Schmiedeke (20:24):
Kevin Daisey (20:25):
And you’re gonna appeal to some people and it’s, you know, you gotta choose here. You’re trying to appeal too, you know, what’s your market. Yeah. So I like it. So, Chris what is something, a good takeaway? Something you would recommend a small law firm <laugh> that was in your position, let’s say 2014 revenue going down, you know, SEO was kind of a driver for you, but that, that went to crap. And they’re doing everything themselves, or maybe they just haven’t, you know, taken the route of working on the business yet. What stuff you would give them some advice?
Chris Schmiedeke (21:11):
I think at that level, there’s probably two, two pieces they would need to focus on. I mean the first thing, it just depends on how busy they are, if they are, you know, if they’re working 60 hours a week, then I’d say, step one is they need to get some help. They need to get a legal assistant or a paralegal you know, figure out what you know, figure out what the, what you would bill them out at and what you’re gonna pay them so that you can kind of, you can kind of build your ROI for them. But if you’re that busy and you’re working that many hours, you’re just giving away a revenue stream because I, I, what what’ll end up happening is you’ll hire that person and you will find that you’re still as busy as you ever were, but now you got two people generating income for you. Right? And so there’s those, it’s just common sense that the times that you are doing something where you are not billing, for instance, going backpacking, and you wanna go take off a Friday and go backpacking, well that Friday, if you’re on your own, you’re not generating any income. But if you have employees, you are, so your business still runs without you. You’re still making money when you’re even not there.
Kevin Daisey (22:23):
Chris Schmiedeke (22:23):
If you find yourself in that position, I would definitely consider hiring somebody. That’s the, probably the best thing you can do. If you’re super busy, if you’re not super busy, then my, probably the first thing I would say is, is you need to focus on your marketing and your sales. You gotta, you gotta hustle. You gotta get people to your door and then you gotta convert them. Because if you can, if you can market and get people to your door and you can convert them, then all your other problems are gonna solve themselves. You’re gonna be able to hire people. And you know, as that snowball keeps growing and getting bigger and bigger and you’re getting in more, you can hire more people. And then, you know, the next thing you know, you’re not working at all. And you know, you’re, you’re generating, you know, tens of thousands of dollars per month and you’re, you’re not doing any of it.
Kevin Daisey (23:12):
Well, no. So those are great. I think two different scenarios. I like that. Cause I’m sure there’s a lot of folks listening that are in different positions there. And I’ve actually talked to some recently that actually in those different situations, either too busy or I don’t have enough work. One, one thing to, I would say for everyone out there too, just to avoid the pitfall though of say your marketing does really well, you’re bringing a lot of work and then you go right back into doing all the work and then you never hire the help to backfill. Yeah. And then you’re just back where you started. So had that mindset and that plan to when I get the work, I’m gonna bring in the people I need so that I can continue getting the work until I don’t have to do any of it. So
Chris Schmiedeke (23:58):
Yeah. I mean, if you’re ever telling yourself I’m too busy, I’m just so busy. You’re it’s time to hire. I mean, I hire people when when I’m not super busy, but I foresee that I’m, that we’re gonna be busy. So I I’ve learned to sort of preemptively hire, like right when I get to the point of, of, I feel like a people are gonna start complaining about being too busy. That’s when we, we hire versus waiting till I’m way past that mark and everybody’s overworked and all of that.
Kevin Daisey (24:32):
Well too. I mean, it’s not always easy to find somebody, right. Especially on this environment, that’s it can be very tricky. And I thought a lot of people say, Hey, we don’t, we can’t hire, we can’t find anybody that wants these positions. So, so that’s definitely something you have a bench of people maybe that are interested and, and be ready to pull from that bench, if you can. Or if you, if you have the luxury, you can hire proactively. And, and as you’re seeing what’s coming down the, the pipe, but if you have measurements and KPIs and financials best, stuff’s gonna be easier to predict and, and hire. Yeah.
Chris Schmiedeke (25:07):
Kevin Daisey (25:07):
Hire before.
Chris Schmiedeke (25:08):
That’s probably a little advanced for the, for the beginning, you know, solo guy, but you know, the math is, it’s not that hard. I mean, you, you, whatever, you’re gonna pay somebody in a year, you probably need to increase that by about 20%. And so, you know what you’re, so if I’m paying somebody, if I gross it up 20% and I’m paying ’em a hundred thousand for the year, they need to be generating a minimum of $300,000 in income mm-hmm <affirmative>. So then you can then do the math on what their billable hour is, how many hours a week do they need to work to meet that number? And then you build it out like that.
Kevin Daisey (25:46):
So yeah, something you just said is something that I actually learned very recently at a, a workshop that I paid to go to, and it was revenue per employee is a metric you should track. And so if you have 10 employees and for me, I work 20 some now, but you take how many employees, you have, you take your your revenue and divide it by that, and you’ll get a what’s your, and then times it by 12. So I’ll get my revenue divided by my employees. And then you got a revenue per employee. Well, at the thing I was at, it was the, the low end you’re, it should be at 250,000 per employee. And the sweet spot for this one person was 500,000 per employee. Now, two employees, this sounds terrible. And they think, you know, oh, you’re making all this money off me and, you know, I’m, I don’t get paid that, but I’m worth that.
But it’s, it’s a way to run your business profitably so that you can hire those people. You can get them raises, you can pay for benefits and a nice office and all the things that they need and continue to be in business. Cause you’re not in business, they don’t have a job, so, right. But if you have a metric like that, maybe it’s not 500,000 that’s but whatever it is for your industry, but as something that was new to me, and I learned that recently, and, and we’re tracking that now and saying, okay, well, what is ours? And how do we affect it? How do we move it up? And you know, most of my people are not billing hours necessarily. They’re, they’re, they’re doing the work, but right. But there’s something to think about. Think about if you hire someone, it shouldn’t just be a hit on your, your pay and your revenue. They should be increasing that you should be making that back. So,
Chris Schmiedeke (27:36):
Kevin Daisey (27:36):
Yeah. I think three X is a good, a good number to go with too.
Chris Schmiedeke (27:39):
Yeah. That’s a good baseline. You’d probably want more, but that’s a good place to start for sure. Because you’re covering a third of that. Theoretically, what they say is a third of that is covering the, their salary. A third is covering overhead and a third, it goes to profit,
Kevin Daisey (27:55):
Gotta have profit where we don’t have businesses. So yeah. And yeah, no matter what you think your you’re in business to be profitable, we’re all in sales and marketing.
Chris Schmiedeke (28:07):
Kevin Daisey (28:08):
So I think if you get, get past that, Hey, if you’re an attorney you’re in sales, you have to be able to sell, you have to be to close and get people in the door
Chris Schmiedeke (28:17):
Or hire somebody to do it. <Laugh>
Kevin Daisey (28:18):
Yeah. Not you’re
Chris Schmiedeke (28:20):
A business person. We all run business as we’re just happen to be lawyers. So yeah. You gotta change the way you look at it.
Kevin Daisey (28:27):
Yeah. A hundred percent. So my first employee was I hired and actually made the last, the next year or the same. I mean, I made the same, but I now had an employee and I was like, well, I guess this is what hiring’s all about. I just didn’t have a clue. <Laugh> when I hired my second employee, we tripled or quadrupled in revenue for the whole company.
Chris Schmiedeke (28:46):
Kevin Daisey (28:46):
But that was the difference between a performing person and a not performing person. So yeah, that was my experience when I first hired. So awesome. Well, Chris, I mean already a ton of takeaways for anyone listening. If you’re too busy, hire somebody. If you’re not busy, you need to get into sales and marketing and start to get good at it until you can afford to hire someone to do it for you. If you don’t like sales, then you gotta wait till you can get outta sales and then hire someone to do it for you. If you’re not good at marketing or you don’t like it, hopefully you can Start Today one day <laugh> and we’ll be out.
Chris Schmiedeke (29:24):
So we’ll try.
Kevin Daisey (29:25):
And then the other big takeaway, check out how to manage or other. Yeah. There’s tons of other stuff out there. There’s a lot of good books out there too. I even read some of the law firm books. I’m not a law firm, but I do run a business and there’s a lot of takeaways in there for me regardless. So go seek out information, find books, find mentors, join how to manage, or least reach out to them. There’s, there’s so many resources out there, but don’t be just stuck thinking. You have to figure this all out. So that’s it, Chris? Anything else you’d wanna share before we, we sign off?
Chris Schmiedeke (30:02):
No, no, thanks for having me.
Kevin Daisey (30:04):
Awesome. Well if you wanna connect with Chris, you can go to and, and go to his website there. Chris, is there any other way you’d like the people listening to reach out to you?
Chris Schmiedeke (30:16):
Yeah, that’s fine that they can do the contact page there. They can actually check out my cool little video ask thing and submit it and I’ll respond in video. So I told you I love video.
Kevin Daisey (30:29):
Yeah. The the video ask thing is really cool. Check that out. I, I checked that out right after we, we met and I thought that was super cool. And then stay tuned. Crystal will have a new website we’re putting out and as far as some other things as well, and we’ll be hopefully helping Chris grow and, and crushes goals. If you wanna check out this podcast in the future for this episode or others just gonna rail, four slash podcast. We have, I think last I check 218 live. We have another live one that comes out every single week, along with a newsletter, we share marketing tips. We, we share episodes from our guests on here. We also share books that attorneys have written to help other attorneys. We have a whole library full of guests that have been on the show that have written things and, and things like how to manage in other groups.
So we’ll, we’ll be sharing that kind of stuff too. So there’s a whole bunch of good information in those emails. And if you need any help with marketing, you can reach out to us array, and happy to talk to you. Any questions you have, you can be the smallest firm and either can tell you what to do. Or we have a very small entry point and we work kind of like how to manage with Chris. It’s, you know, we had different levels that we can go through, but if anyone has any questions to reach out to me, I’m happy to answer those as, as far as Chris, I’m sure he’s happy to connect with you and help you with anything. So,
Chris Schmiedeke (31:57):
Yep. Chris,
Kevin Daisey (31:59):
Thank you, sir.
Chris Schmiedeke (32:00):
All right. Thank you. Good to talk.
Kevin Daisey (32:03):
Yes, sir. Stay on with me. We’ll chat backstage. Everyone else have a great day. Thanks for tuning in. And we’ll talk to you soon.
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