When you have a new or small law firm, budgeting just how much you need to spend for website design can be quite difficult. Many large marketing agencies do not provide you with quality time to review your website in its development stages. Furthermore, these agencies often use proprietary software to build websites, and if you leave that agency, you do not have any ownership of your website.
At Array Digital, we provide you with the knowledge and support of building a high-quality website for your law firm. We offer all-inclusive pricing and uphold constant communication with our clients. Reach us through our contact page or call (757)-333-3021 today.
Cost of Law Firm Website Design
A law firm website is a valuable asset for any attorney looking to grow his or her business. Building a website for a law firm varies in price but typically costs over one thousand dollars. You may ask, “Why so much?” There are a few reasons why this may be. At Array Digital, we do not use web builders that limit us to templates for our clients’ websites. We build custom websites with intentional design to convert viewers. We also implement on-page search engine optimization (SEO) in the developmental process, even if you are not an SEO client.
If you need a new website, you want to see results from it. That is why you need a website design team with ample experience to build a site that fits your practice and your clients.
What Does Website Development Entail?
There are various elements to professional website development for law firms. Do-it-yourself (DIY) websites often lack many of these features due to a lack of time and resources. The functionality may be too simplistic to keep the law firm’s website cost low.
At Array Digital, we are the experts in website development for law firms. Here are the things on which we focus because of our extensive experience:
We Make Sure the Site Is Accessible
Law firm website design must be accessible to all consumers seeking information regarding your firm and how you can help them. We make sure your potential clients can easily navigate and read your website on desktop and mobile. Additionally, we offer ADA compliance for all websites. ADA compliance supplies users with additional features that are beneficial for those with vision or hearing impairments. This is critical for an attorney website, as your firm should be assisting clients of various backgrounds and needs.
Website Support and Hosting
Another way we assist our clients is by providing the utmost peace of mind when creating your online presence. Once we launch your new website, we consistently take measures to verify that it is secured. We perform frequent security updates on all client websites and audit our websites to ensure that functionality stays intact over time. This may not happen if you do not invest in a custom design website.
Ux / Ui Design
User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are two additional components that we factor into the process. The two are often used interchangeably, but there are differences you should know about when having your own website created:
Ux Experience
The user experience of a website is a way of evaluating how well customers and prospective new clients interact with it. Is the experience smooth? Is it intuitive? Does it confuse people, or does it allow for easy navigation? It is important that your website visitors feel as though the site is easy to use and can interact with it naturally.
Ui Design
UI design is the layout of the website. It is the focus on the buttons visitors click on, what they read on the website, the images on the site, and any entry fields they fill out. This focuses on screen layout and transitions. It incorporates all visual elements and interactions in it as well.
Array Digital is committed to giving you a visually appealing yet highly functional website.We do this by building custom websites, not utilizing templates. We take time to carefully select the perfect plugins, fonts, colors, and more for your legal website. In addition, we incorporate your input during our website development process. Law firm web design should be a representation of your brand image, after all.
During the website development process, we actively incorporate your current website’s content into your new website. That means that what you have on your homepage now may still be used in your new website. If you need additional content on your website, such as content for your homepage, embedded testimonials, or a new contact page, our dedicated team can collaborate with you to fill in any gaps during the development stage.
Proper Ctas
Having great CTAs (calls to action) is paramount to having a successful website. They give the user an understanding of your immediate offers and invite them to contact your firm. Having various CTAs added throughout your website is the key to making your website a tool for conversions. Just providing a phone number may not be enough. Using enticing CTAs that define what you will offer your clients makes an impeccable difference.
Proper Coding
Another component of good functionality is having a website that follows the fundamentals of web page development. We use heading structure and schema for our websites. This includes a couple of different components:
Heading Structure
Heading structure is the process of organizing web pages by headings to help provide some visual organization for the website. Headings are larger and create a more impactful design. Breaking up text according to headings and paragraphs allows your users to easily find the answers that they need on your website. A website that answers questions appropriately and quickly will stick with users for future use.
Schema and Seo
Though a bit more complex, schema is a tool that helps search engines better understand the information on the website to provide rich results. This is an important component of digital marketing because it helps search engines view the importance and value of your website and may play a role in rankings and search engine optimization (SEO).
Html and Css
This relates to the backend programming of the website. Working with the various programming languages requires coding skills that an attorney or marketing coordinator may not have. At Array Digital, we have a dedicated team of programmers that work through a robust checklist before launching your website. This checklist ensures that your website is healthy and passes Google’s Core Web Vitals.
Room for Future Content
Even for non-SEO clients, we future-proof your website for any changes in your plan. That means that when we develop your website, we organize the website in a structure that makes an eventual SEO plan easy to implement.
How Long Does It Take to Design a Law Firm Website?
We understand the excitement that comes from having a new website. It’s like a fresh start for your law firm. However, we cannot rush perfection!
We typically aim for a timeline of two to three months. During that process, we are working to meet numerous goals:
- We gather access to needed tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and your current website’s backend.
- We conduct an internal audit of the current website design and user experience to see what can immediately be improved upon to create results.
- We meet with you to discuss branding as well as your likes and dislikes regarding your current site.
All of this is a core component of creating the best law firm website possible. For most design companies, this process takes some time. We work closely with you through it, so you know where your website is at any stage of the process. You will feel confident that you are on the right track during the entire process.
What Should I Include on My Website?
You will want to include information about your firm, its values, and what you offer to clients that they might not get elsewhere, including information about your practice areas.
It is a good idea to include professional headshots as well as plenty of high-quality candid photos. Candid photos could show you interacting with your coworkers, helping clients, completing research about a case, and much more. It’s best to use photos that highlight smiling partners and staff as these are more inviting.
It’s also important to show yourself helping clients of all backgrounds. The internet is comprised of a diverse audience, and you need to show that your law firm is the same.
How Can I Get My Website Found?
Having a website serve as a place to house your business’s identity is critical for today’s law firms. You need an online presence. Having a website allows you to build trust with your readers. It enables your law firm to capture the attention of potential clients who are looking for answers to their questions or further guidance regarding highly-sensitive areas of their lives. It can also help to make approaching you a bit easier. Getting found online will become much easier.
Without a website, many law firms falter simply because traditional means of attracting clients (i.e., television commercials, newspaper listings, billboards, radio, etc.) are declining in popularity. With an informative, well-designed website, you can consistently be there for those who are looking for help, building your brand as you meet their needs.
After building a beautiful website that successfully captures the essence of your brand, you must properly promote it. Array Digital does this via search engine optimization, online advertising, and social media. Speak with our sales team to purchase a plan that incorporates all three to see the most results. Legal marketing can be tricky, which is why our team recommends working closely with a professional. That way, every detail is carefully calculated in order to propel your lead generation.
Call the Law Firm Digital Marketing Experts at Array Digital
Let us guide you through our law firm marketing and web design packages. We even offer custom solutions for law firms looking to market themselves more aggressively. To request a free consultation, call757.333.3021 or complete the online contact form to speak with an experienced digital marketing expert at Array Digital today.
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